Airbus Performance Engineer Program Manual
Basic Performance Course Engineer - G02 Description A320 Family/A330/A340 The aim of this course is to: Present the Airbus computer programme facilities to the airline's operation engineers, so that they are able to create operational outputs. Special focus on Runway Analysis; Show how to make use of the main manuals provided by Airbus such as: the Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM), the Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM), the Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL); Study the aircraft systems at a description level; Review the basic knowledge necessary for the proper understanding of the course. Comment Installer Un Mod Minecraft Mac Crack here. Pre-requisites Engineers must be familiar with flight operations, aerodynamics, performance topics and computerised calculation techniques; The Company must be equipped with computers when the course is given at the airline’s base (maximum 2 trainees per computer), as well as a video projector, an overhead projector and a wallboard; Fluency in English. Duration G02A1 Performance Programmes: 8 days G02A2 Documentation + Performance Programmes: 10 days G02A3 Systems + Documentation + Performance Programmes: 11 days G02A4 Theory + Systems + Documentation + Performance Programmes: 14 days Course content 1st module: Performance Programmes Presentation – 8 working days Performed using a computer, it introduces Airbus Performance Engineering Programmes (PEP).
A European consortium producing the Airbus family of passenger aircraft, a corporate jet, the beluga supertransport and a military transport. The Airbus engineering centre in Bangalore. Opportunities in India Make your move. Knowledge of Airbus stress/fatigue manuals and tools. Airbus Flight Performance Engineer Training Manual eBooks Airbus Flight Performance Engineer Training Manual is available on PDF, ePUB and DOC format. The operational documentation contains Airbus issued manuals and/or operator manuals (FCOM / MMEL-MEL / CDL.). Airbus Manager. The Manager application is used for updating the operational data on the iPad, which is used by the. FlySmart applications (performance data and operational.
Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM): computerized flight manual calculations (takeoff, landing, drift-down, certified speeds). Takeoff and Landing Optimization (TLO): Runway analysis with information about any special conditions, such as runway state or system inoperative. In Flight Performance Programme (IFP): production of in-flight FCOM type charts, detailed calculations for each flight phase (climb, cruise, descent, holding), aerodynamic and engine parameter calculations. Flight Planning programme (FLIP): fuel and payload calculation for a given route and given flight conditions. Performance Monitoring Programme (APM): comparison between actual aircraft performance and book level performance, so as to detect any engine or aerodynamic degradation. Operational Flight Path Programme (OFP): Takeoff and approach Flight Path calculations (all engines or one engine out) with graphical visualisation of the trajectory.
Noise Level Computation Programme (NLC): Takeoff and Approach noise calculations at a given point, or noise level contour calculation. Noise EXposure Computation Programme (NEX): noise disturbance calculation of airline’s operations at a given airport. 2nd module: Documentation Presentation – 2 working days Conducted with lectures, this module consists of a detailed presentation of selected official documents (AFM, FCOM, MMEL), illustrated by many numerical examples and exercises. 3rd module: Aircraft Systems Presentation – 1 working day Conducted with lectures, this module is devoted to aircraft systems, studied at a description level only. Some of the topics covered are the Air Conditioning system, the Flight Controls system, the Autoflight system, the Fuel System or the Landing gear system. 4th module: Theory and Regulation – 3 working days The purpose of this module is to provide the trainees with information on theoretical and regulatory points, for a better understanding of general aircraft performance.