Armed Forces Laser Sight Module Manual Dexterity
Each item is listed with the Technology Level needed to manufacture it, its mass (in kg) and its cost. If an item’s mass or cost is not listed, then its mass or cost is negligible. Credits The Credit (Cr. Download Program At90s2313 With Arduino Mega. ) is the standard unit of currency in Traveller. Larger denominations include the KiloCredit (KCr; 1,000 Credits) and the MegaCredit (MCr; 1,000,000 Credits). Armour Unless otherwise noted, only one type of armour can be worn at a time. Resolve damage from the outside in – damage that gets through the outer layer of armour is next applied to the inner layer.
Some armours have a required skill. A character suffers a -2 DM to all actions taken in the armour per missing skill level, including level 0. Jack (TL 1): A natural or synthetic leather jacket or body suit covering the torso and upper arms and legs. Mesh (TL 6): A jacket or body suit lined with a flexible metal or plastic mesh that gives it added protection against bullets. Cloth (TL 7): A heavy duty body suit tailored from ballistic cloth.
The fabric absorbs impact energy and spreads it over the body, which can result in bruising. However, cloth armour is highly useful and versatile – it can be effectively concealed under normal clothing although observers making an Investigate or Recon check at 8+ will notice something unusual. Flak Jacket (TL 7): A less expensive version of ballistic cloth, the bulky flak jacket is an unmistakably military garment. Vacc Suit (TL 8): The vacc suit or space suit is the spacer’s best friend, providing life support and protection when in space.
A vacc suit provides a breathable atmosphere and protection from the extremes of temperature, low pressure and radiation typically found in a hard vacuum, for six hours. Hostile Environment Vacc Suit (TL 8): Hostile environment suits are designed for conditions where a normal vacc suit would be insufficient, such as deep underwater, worlds shrouded in toxic or corrosive gases, extremes of radiation or temperature, or other locales that offer serious physical danger as well as the lack of a breathable atmosphere. HEV suits provide all the life support offered by a normal vacc suit (for six hours) but are also impervious to flames, intense radiation such as that found at nuclear blast sites, and high pressure environments like undersea trenches. Ablat (TL 9): A cheap alternative to Reflec, ablat armour is made from a material that ablates (vaporises) when hit by laser fire. Each laser hit on ablat reduces its armour value (versus lasers) by one, but the armour is cheap and easily replaceable. Reflec (TL 10): Reflec armour is a flexible plastic suit with layers of reflective material and heat-dispersing gel. It is highly effective against lasers, but provides no protection against other attacks.
Reflec can be worn with other armour. Combat Armour (TL 11): This full-body suit is used by the military and not generally available on the open market, although those with military or criminal contacts can obtain it without much difficulty. It is issued to troop units and mercenary battalions. Combat armour protects from hard vacuum in the same way as a vacc suit and provides life support for six hours. Battle Dress (TL 13): The ultimate personal armour, battle dress is a powered form of combat armour. The servomotors vastly increase the user’s speed and strength, boosting his Strength and Dexterity by +4 while wearing the armour. Damage to the wearer’s characteristics is calculated as normal, but the values from the armour are used for all other purposes such as hand to hand damage or skill checks.