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Google play apps is one of the great Bangla writing software/apps that’s packed to write everywhere and also for android mobile, It’s like. And the most popular for Bangladeshi’s peoples. Some days ago I wrote about genesis of Bangla language in, again I tel every Bangladeshi’s peoples – If you are be a Bengali you must know about the. It is very rare to find a nation, in the history of the world, who preserved the dignity of their language by the cost of blood and bloodshed.
In 1948, a group of Bengali patriotic students initiated the great Language Movement for preserving their mother tongue Bengali. A bloody but proud history was then imprinted in 1952. The student’s movement of 1952 awakened the Bengali’s consciousness for freedom. 21st February, so, remembered every year by offering flower bouquet to the ‘Shahid Minar’ and by arranging some seminars or symposiums by the country’s governmental or non-governmental organizations as well as various intuitions of the country around. But nowhere it is seen anybody’s effort to contain and propagate the main spirit of the language martyrs.
All we know that all newspapers publish news about the celebration of the 21st February International Mother Language Day. But the demands for reprinting some fundamental books in Bengali written in different languages have yet been neglected even after 57 years of the Language Movement. Starting from ‘69’s Mass Revolt and 11-Points’and “71’s Freedom Fight”, in “82-90’s Revolution against Despotism”, students’ bloodshed and “90’s Mass Revolt”, all leftist parties urged and appealed some common and essential demands for the general people which are not spoken by any other political or social institution. The basic and fundamental demand raised by these leftist parties is that the main mode and medium of education must be Bengali and all fundamental books written in different languages must be reprinted and published into Bengali without any least delay. Digi Lan Tv7203 Software Engineering more. On behalf of the general mob, it is our open appeal to the 14-party alliance led government to take these above mentioned issues with prior seriousness for immediate necessary actions.
57 years have already passed when the Movement initiated for making Bengali as the state language. It is quite natural, then, that the national mourning day will be celebrated in remembrance of those martyrs who sacrificed their young blood for the sake mother tongue. Driver Epson Lq 2500 Xp. The Language Movement of 1952 was not confined only into the language issues. Rather it directed the nation to unite them together and to make a general awareness among the people to establish their own rights. Following the 1947 Separation of India, people of East Pakistan gradually tended to an ultimate resolution which led them to win the greatest War of Independence. The dignity of this historical day has been enhanced to a further degree in 1999 by UNESCO’s declaration of 21st February as the International Mother Language Day. 21st of Bengali and Bangladesh is now a day to celebrate as Mother Language Day by near about 6 thousand language speaking people all over the world.
21st is now a symbol of dignity of language to world people. 21st has dignified our national revolutionary spirit in the world. But the government can never take any successful step to institutionalize the spirit of 21st in the stream of general consciousness. The main weapon of doing this is obviously to reform the system of education scientifically and pragmatically. Hasn’t the government failed to adopt it? This is now a burning question among the people to find immediate solutions for preserving the main spirit of the greatest martyrs and to attain social, economical and political freedom. After a 38 year reign of the rich and bourgousis class, it is now a severe problem to find the values of 21st February in the national life even in the regime of the 14 party alliance led government.