Certina Serial Numbers
On Wednesday, October 02, 2013, a U.S. Federal trademark registration was filed for CERTINA DS by, Le Locle CH-2400. The USPTO has given the CERTINA DS trademark serial number of 86080728. The current federal status of this trademark filing is REGISTERED.
Enter the product serial number OR model number to access specific information about the product. How can the answer be improved? The serial number also has seven digits. The reference number of this period is made up as follows: The first two digits indicate the movement that was used. In this example, the 87 stands for the Certina 29-064 (Valjoux 728).
The correspondent listed for CERTINA DS is of Blank Rome LLP, 8th Floor, One Logan Square Philadelphia PA 19103. The CERTINA DS trademark is filed in the category of. The description provided to the USPTO for CERTINA DS is Precious metals; precious metal alloys; goods in precious metals or coated therewith, namely, figurines and trophies; jewelry; jewelry boxes; jewelry caskets; precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments; watch chains; caskets for watches; cases for the presentation of watches. 9/9/2014 Serial Number: 86080728 Filing Date: Registration Number: 4600118 Registration Date: 9/9/2014 Goods and Services: Precious metals; precious metal alloys; goods in precious metals or coated therewith, namely, figurines and trophies; jewelry; jewelry boxes; jewelry caskets; precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments; watch chains; caskets for watches; cases for the presentation of watches Mark Description: The mark consists of the designation 'Certina DS' over the design of a tortoise. Type Of Mark: TradeMark Published For Opposition Date: 6/24/2014 Last Applicant/Owner: Le Locle CH-2400. Why is this contact information displayed?
The USPTO makes this data available for search by the public so that individuals can locate ownership information for intellectual property, much the same way a county might make real estate property ownership information available. Since our website is synchronized with the USPTO data, we recommend making any data changes with the USPTO directly. Our website will auto-update when the USPTO data is updated. Paperport 11 Serial Number Crack Keygen there. You may also contact Trademarkia to make a request for the removal of your personally identifiable information or trademark data. Such requests must be made in writing and will be subject to verification of ownership. This policy allows verified trademark owners to specify: (A) that their identifiable information be masked, or (B) that their trademark pages permanently deleted from Trademarkia.com. Chal Kahin Chale Sajna Song Download. Requests may be made directly to and every effort will be made to honor them within 48 hours.
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LegalForce Network can help you incorporate a business around your CERTINA DS trademark in less than 5 minutes. Trademarkia makes the process easy and convenient, so Trademarkia.com is a free search engine of publicly available government records. Trademarkia.com is not a law firm and does not represent owners & correspondents listed on this page.