Download Driver Lexmark X2470 Windows 8

Home >Support & Downloads >Product Selection >Lexmark X2470. What can we do for you? Drivers & Downloads; OS. Firmware FAQ; Lexmark. Lexmark Drivers Download Center. Download and Update Your Lexmark Drivers with 3 Easy Steps! Compatible with Windows 10/8/7. Lexmark X2470 Printer Driver Download. This pack holds all the vital programming for using your Lexmark X2450, X2470, X2480, Lexmark X2480dsg. This group joins Host-based printer drivers. Lexmark X2470 Driver For Windows 8 32-bit Download. Lexmark X2470 Driver For Windows 8 64-bit Download.

Hi, You should be able to get it to work by setting the Compatibility Mode of 'SETUP' on the Lexmark installation CD to Win 7 or possibly XP SP2 or 3 depending on how new the model is. It probably has more features than anything you will download. Download Dbx Driverack 260 Software. mine turned out that way. To find setup on the CD, select Open or Explore instead of just running it. Then right click on SETUP and select Properties.Compatibility Tab is at the top. Part way down is a Compatibility Mode check box and a drop down option list. I used XP SP3 with a X5340 and it worked.
If you have previously tried to install the printer, REMOVE it from your system in Devices and Printers before uninstalling and reinstalling the software.