Elliot Katz Being The Strong Man A Woman Wants Pdf
BEING A STRONG MAN A WOMAN WANTS: Timeless wisdom on being a man by ELLIOTT KATZ Posted on Oct 29, 2013 Review by Dr. Robert Rose Elliott’s personal research talking to hundreds of women and his use of timeless wisdom (quotes from through the ages) indicates most women DO want their men to be “strong” and the “leader” of their family.
'Being the Strong Man A Woman Wants' is the timeless secret wisdom on being a man. Timeless Wisdom on Being a Man Elliott Katz Limited preview - 2005. 'Being the Strong Man A Woman Wants' is the timeless secret wisdom on being a man. Timeless Wisdom on Being a Man Elliott Katz No preview available - 2005.
This is a brief summary of his main points. Show leadership. When a situation needs to be dealt with, step forward. Women don’t admire men who wait for others to solve their problems. Be decisive. If you avoid making decisions, you’re avoiding YOUR responsibilities.
Don’t say to your partner, “It’s up to you. Sempre Caro Marcello Fois Pdf Converter. ” You may think you’re being nice or fair, but you end up frustrating your partner. Take responsibility. If something goes wrong, take responsibility and try to improve the situation. Don’t simply blame others for the way things are. Be strong. Control your emotions.
Blowing up in anger only harms yourself and the people you care about. Each of the 21 chapters in the book focus on a concept that will help any man or couple. It would be useful if a couple read it together and discussed each chapter. The compromises that should result would improve any relationship as each couple needs to find what works for THEM. In my new book coming out in a few months, RESPECTFUL PARENTING, I stress “mutual respect” where each family member’s POV on every issue is considered and each is empowered to the degree he or she can handle it so each can grow in an atmosphere of love and respect. As Elliott’s story of a grandpa and grandson’s short trip together enfold’s the grandfather’s uses the wisdom of people through the ages to cleverly make his POV clear. The grandson’s weaknesses in dealing with his overbearing wife becomes obvious to him and he sees his efforts to avoid conflict (or discussion) and his belief he’s being “fair” as frustrating his wife and the main causes of her shrewish behavior.
The book is an easy read as the chapters are short and each is punctuated at the end by an easy to remember “timeless” quote to wrap up its specific message. Bollywood Movie Double Dhamaal Free Download there. However, I believe it would be helpful for some men who may not be as receptive as many are in our Western culture to think about the following.
Being a strong man is interpreted differently in cultures worldwide now and in the past. In most countries the man has been and is the master of his castle without regard to the woman’s needs. In many cases if the wife or children disobey they can be punished, even killed, without the man suffering any social or legal consequences. With other cultures murder is not condoned, but physical, sexual, and emotional brutality is acceptable. Where there is massive or generational poverty and the men are unemployed, frustrated, feeling helpless, their anger erupts against anyone or anything they see as the cause. Their women and children take the brunt of it.
These men seldom have a father or male who can be a model of anything except a male brute. It is not the cooperative, thoughtful, but strong leader Elliott’s women want as “strong.” The audience that reads Elliott’s book doesn’t fit that category of men. Their problem is an absence of legitimate strength – a weakness of leadership in the family.It is the result of the misuse of the feminist and civil rights revolutions, two parents working just to meet basic needs, and a POV of many who believe that accumulation of things is more important than family relationships and has diminished men’s role as head of the family. A new legal and social factor is the realistic fear of men of being falsely accused and even convicted of any kind of abuse.