Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life Special Edition Ps2 Iso Converter

Picktorrent: harvest moon a wonderful life ps2 iso - Free Search and Download Torrents at search engine. Harvest Moon - A Wonderful Life - Special Edition - PS2. Dicas de harvest moon wonderful life special edition ps2 Se gostou das dicas. Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life [Detonado Raro + Dicas + Guia Completo].
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life -Special Edition- - Money Making FAQ Tips for MAKING MONEY in Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life: Special Edition (PS2) Don't actually know whether it would work in HMAWL I'm giving all of you a complete set of 'Money - Making Guide'. Table of Contents: 1.

Planting turnips (starting Method) 2. Collecting wild plants and flowers (saving Money - Method) 4. Digsite/Excavation site 5. Banana trees 6.
Seed maker 7. Dhibe cakes 8. Normal cow 10.Star cow 11.Golden eggs 12.Yams 13.S - rank crops/seeds (hybridizing Method) 14.Befriend Van (enchanting Method for you to make profits) 15.About the guide and me/The Author 1) Planting turnips Just plant about 25 turnips and change it to pickle turnip in salad menu (cooking menu). One turnip is required to make a pickle turnip.
After about 22- 24 pickle turnips that you have made, you will unlock Dessert and Entree menu which are new cooking methods that can offer you to cook more dishes. This will be really - really useful afterwards. Note: Pickle turnip can be sold for 25G (same price as the normal/raw turnip) 2) Fishing This is the secret. Keep fishing and fishing. After unlocking the Entree menu, go to it and use one fish to make a sashimi.
Sell it to Van and he will offer 150G for each of the sashimi. Say 'no' until he offers for a higher price which is 180G each! Tips: Use fish which has a value below than 150G. This is because you can turn it to sashimi to sell it. For fish which has the price higher than 150G, just sell it to Van such as Sharsharks and Huge Rainbob. 3) Collecting wild plants and flowers (saving Money - Method) Collect them, sell them, eat them and give it to your cat or dog.
Don't ever eat/drink milk! It's a major waste! Here's the list: Spring: *Mugworts: 15G Goddess Drop Flowers - 15G Toy flowers - 10G Summer: *Royal Ferns - 15G Happy Lamp Flowers - 15G Mist Moon Flowers - 10G Fall: *Hackberry - 20G *Matsutake - 25G *Toadstool - 100G *Bracken - 15G Gemsoil - 20G Trick Blue Flowers - 10G Winter: *Sorrel - 20G Upseed Flowers - 25G Amorous Flowers - 10G Note: * means edible/can be eaten 4) Digsite/Excavation site Go to the Digsite and dig as many and as long as you desire. You can sell the artifacts/fossils/statues to Van or give it to the villagers to befriend them.
The more chapters that you go, there will be more artifacts that can be discovered which have a higher and better price. Chapter 1 Coin: 10G Skull Fossil: 50G Human Statue: 40G Moon Ore: 40G Tablet C Chapter 2 Sugar Ore: 50G Fossil: 40G Horse Statue: 70G Silver Coin: 40G Tablet D Chapter 3 Hip Fossil: 60G Hop Ore: 80G Jade Ball: 150G/180G* Tablet E Chapter 4 Gold Coin: 50G Strange Fossil: 100G Strange Item: 300G/360G* Tablet F Note: * means if haggled 5) Banana trees To get money as soon as you can, buy banana seeds from Vesta. Plant them in one of your fields (I recommend the first field near your house). Now just wait until next year (you don't have to water your trees). During chapter 2 spring, your banana trees should flower and in summer (maybe not in the 1st day of Summer), you will see bananas at your tree. After that, collect the bananas. Now, if you have a seed maker, turn all (or most) of the bananas into banana seeds.
Free Download Program Capteurs Chimiques Pdf To Excel. Once they have become seeds, take them to Van, haggle the price, and sell it. 6) Seed Maker This extension is a MUST if you want to turn your fruit/crops to seeds. Still The One One Direction Mp3 Download Free more. You can either buy it for 6000G or befriend Daryl to get one for free.
Once his head turns toward you as you pass him by, go to his house at around the evening (I think so). You should get the cut-scene where he will give you the free seed maker. However, remember that you cannot get the free seed maker if you've talked to Takakura and he's offered to buy it for you. The seed maker will be in your ledger for 6000G if you've talked to Takakura, which mean that you will not get the free seed maker. So now, just turn all or most of the banana fruits to banana seeds which can be sell for 140G each. If haggled, you can sell it for 168G each Tips: Each fruit will give two seeds and it will take several days to turn it to seeds.