The Sims 3 Cigarette Smoking Mod For Sims
You must be patched to 1.26+ ***Updated 7-13-12 Fix for localization(translations) ***Updated 7-12-12 Fixed sims not being able to smoke from the same pack at the same time, and adjusted the chance of getting a smoking habit. ***Updated 7-8-12 Fixed moodlets not showing. SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. Not for sims though. What it does. This mod gives sims the ability smoke cigarettes to your game.

This mod gives sims the ability smoke cigarettes to your game. To use, in Buy mode go to Misc Decorations and purchase a pack of cigarettes for 6 simoleons, and place it on a surface(NOT the floor/ground). In live mode, click on the pack and select. The sim will walk over, grab a cigarette, and start smoking. Free download sims 3 cigarette smoking mod Files at Software Informer. The Sims 4 Mod Manager is a program designed to make management of mods easier.
How it works. To use, in Buy mode go to Misc Decorations and purchase a pack of cigarettes for 6 simoleons, and place it on a surface(NOT the floor/ground). In live mode, click on the pack and select 'Have Smoke'. The sim will walk over, grab a cigarette, and start smoking.
You can also click on the pack and select 'Show Contents' to see how many cigarettes are in the pack. Additionally, the pack can be put into inventory and the same options are available. Smoking a cigarette removes Stressed, BuzzCrashed, FeelingAnxious, and Strained buffs. It adds SmokedCigarette and FeelingCalm buffs and increases Fun motive. Smoking has a chance of developing a smoking habit(sim will get SmokingHabit buff). If SmokedCigarette buff is allowed to end while having a smoking habit, Fun motive will be greatly reduced, and Stressed, FeelingAnxious, Strained, and NeedCigarette buffs are added.
To quit the smoking habit, You must let the SmokedCigarette buff run out. You will then get the NeedCigarette buff, but you can't smoke again.
You will have do other things to keep your sims Fun motive up until the quitting process is complete, which takes 15 sim days. After that, you get a QuitColdTurkey buff, and life goes back to normal. If you have the QuitColdTurkey buff, and your sim smokes again, you get the SmokingHabit buff again and a FellOffTheWagon buff, and you'll have to start the quitting process all over again. Machinima/Story Telling If you have NRAAS Debug Enabler, There is a debug interaction 'Smoke' that lets the sim smoke endlessly(until cancelled), without any side-effects Other Stuff. -If you don't want your sims addicted to cigarettes, DON'T BUY CIGARETTES. -Smoking is autonomous, so if you don't want other sims smoking, keep the pack in inventory. -Sims will only smoke while standing.
-Eco-friendly and pregnant sims will not smoke autonomously. Bad Science Ben Goldacre Epub Download. -Only Young adults - Elders can smoke -Unicorns vomit rainbows Known Issues. Fatter sims will get clipping in the animation. The fatter the sim, the more clipping there is.
This mod should not conflict any other mod, and it does not modify the game in any way. It's just an object. If you would like to submit a translation, download the xml here:. Translate the parts between the tags and PM me with a link to the translation. I will release a version with the translations when I have enough. Translations already received: • French • Polish • Portuguese(Brazil) • Spanish • Danish • Portuguese • Dutch • Russian • German • Italian • Norwegian • Finnish • Czech • Greek • Swedish polys: pack - 44 cigarette - 32 Additional Credits: Nonamena, Atevera, Orangemittens, ChaosMageX, Leesester, Inge and Peter Jones,and Cherry92 Made using Blender, s3pe, s3oc, TextureTweaker, and Blender Animation Plugins. My sim got the smoking habit after 1 cigarette?
What the hell I hope creator of this mod knows about smoking not from books or movies. Also this huge amount of debuffs:O Usually gamers fighting with annoyances in game thanks to EA,but with this mod game going to new level of ridiculous stuff Actually. In real life if i dont have cigarette for long time also will be affected hunger and social #1 your sim probably had a trait that made it more likely which is why they got hooked so quickly.
My man vamp got hooked first cigarette out of his girlfriend's pack. His vamp girlfriend smokes 2-3 cigs a day and has never gotten hooked.