Установка 3proxy Centos 6
Tiny Web Proxy And Content Filtering Appliance On CentOS 6 (Version 1.4) This small HOWTO will show you how to set up a small virtual machine to sp. Setup Basic 3proxy Configuration Installation. Chkconfig 3proxy on. Update-rc. Download Free Mp3 Song Ride It Hindi Version By Jay Sean. d 3 proxy defaults. Now you need to create config file. 3proxy. Digimon World 3 Save Files Psx Isos. cfg(3) - Linux man page Name. 3proxy.cfg - 3proxy configuration file Description. Common structure. Not required for 3proxy 0.6 and above.
I'm trying to install Centos6, but as it turned out, DVD I downloaded was just couple Mb too large (CentOS-6.0-i386-bin-DVD.iso) for DVD to carry. So, to save time and don't download DVD again, I downloaded minimal (CentOS-6.0-x86_64-minimal.iso) and set up successfully. At first, I did not get that anaconda stuff to show gui for install - only after 4th reinstall, it showed, so I thought install is OK, even thou, I did not get any possibility to customize installable packages. Ok, installed without delays. On first boot up, it did not show X server, just login prompt in a command line. Ok, I logged in, ran a yum update and yum groupinstall 'X Window System' 'GNOME Desktop Environment', as internets suggested. Tried startx and it just flicker and popped out some errors (EE) SIS(0): Illegal video RAM size (262144K) detected, using BIOS-provided info, so I understood from internets, that SIS chipset is malfunctioning - something is wrong with integrated gpu - I put PCIe one inside.
Reboot, startx and nothing - it flickered, popped some messages and then Witing for X server to shutdown, ctrl+alt+F7 shows blinking caret, nothing more. Ok, I'm newbie with linux installation and configuration (usually use GUI desktop), that is why I want to get to environment, I'm familiar with. Can anyone suggest step-by-step tutorial, what needs to be done, to set up GUI on minimal Centos6 system AND make it default on startup, so after boot, X server login screen appears, not the one in commandline. You can install this with the following commands: • cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts • vi ifcfg-enp0 press 'i' insert //NOBOOT=yes press esc >:wq 3.reboot • yum -y group install 'GNOME Desktop' 'Graphical Administration Tools' • ln -sf /lib/systemd/system/runlevel5.target/etc/systemd/system/defualt.target • reboot again! • yum groupinstall 'General Purpose Desktop' -y or yum groupinstall 'Desktop' 'Desktop Platform' 'X Window System' 'Fonts' 'Graphical Administration Tools' 'Internet Browser' -y • yum groupinstall 'Office Suite and Productivity' -y • yum groupinstall 'Graphics Creation Tools' -y • yum groupinstall kde-desktop -y • startx or init 5.