Wii Fit Plus Penguin Game

This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other for Wii Fit for Wii. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please.
These 15 activities, brand new to Wii Fit Plus, will give your body a serious workout, all while making you smile and maybe even tickling your funny bone!
Fitpiggy Versions To unlock the following versions of Fitpiggy, achieve the corresponding time listed in Fitpiggy Mode. • Bronze - 10 Hours • Gold - 40 Hours • Silver - 20 Hours Correction by rockingcuban Aerobic Activities Below, you can find a list of unlockable aerobic activities, and how each is unlocked. • Advanced Step - Complete Basic Step three times • Free Step - Complete Advanced Step three times • Free Run - Complete Basic Run six times • Rhythm Boxing - Acquire 1:40 credits • Super Hula Hoop - Play regular Hula Hoop Balance Activities Below, you can find a list of unlockable balance activities, and how each is unlocked.
• Balance Bubble - Acquire 1:00 credits • Locus Focus - Acquire 3:00 credits • Penguin Slide - Acquire 1:30 credits • Snowboard Slalom - Acquire 2:00 credits • Tightrope Walk - Acquire 0:10 credits Ultimate Balance Test At the game’s main menu, you will see the balance board character. Point at him and click on him, and he’ll ask you to participate in the Ultimate Balance Test. Fast Mode Unlock In Your Una-gamer Style Shack If you have time to kill but do not feel like going through the motions of unlocking new modes, you can choose the Balance Mode Games ->Marble Drop Game and deliberately fail the first challenge by letting time run out.
Wii Fit rewards you one coin for every one minute of gameplay to unlock new game modes (win or lose). The Marble Drop game takes 30 seconds to fail, but the game rounds up your play time to the closest minute. This is a reasonably fast way to waste time (and press the A button to continue) if you're looking to unlock modes without earnestly putting effort into it. Challenges To unlock the various challenges below, achieve a four star rating on the challenge listed. Driver Olivetti Any_way Simple Para Windows Xp.
• Jack Knife - Ten and Twenty Second Workout • Parallel Stretch - Thirty and Sixty Second Workout • Press-up - Six and Ten Reps Workout.