Wurlitzer Cornet Serial Numbers
Vintage Band Instruments is your number one dealer offering vintage trumpets. Cornet Lyric made by Rudolph Wurlitzer. Olds Special Model L-10 382XXX Serial Number. Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. New “Vocal” cornet in C/Bb/A. (if serial number starts with “P” then made by Pan American). Jan 20, 2008 At this time there is no serial number list published. That explains the 'Martin by Wurlitzer' on the case of this 1964 cornet on eBay.
Well, what little I know I've mostly gleaned from talking to other folks and reading old articles. Wurlitzer is a old company and was making cornets all the way back in the 1860's. Wurlitzer cornets continued to be made up to about 1930, when the depression seemed to finish them off. Many of them seem to have a nickle finish. Second hand reports from other players indicate that, when restored and ready to play, they are medium resistance horns with a deep, rich cornet type tone. The quality of the horn doesn't appear to have been as good as the Strattons or the Boston company.
They seem to have been more of a horn for the working folk instead of the working musicians. Click to expand.I have a Wurlitzer Melodie C trumpet (not cornet) with slide changes to Bb and A that I inherited from my dad, He won it in a composition competition when he was nine years old, which would date the horn at about 1924. It's a great little C trumpet. Small bore, good for French chamber music. The Bb and A slides don't work all that well.
Many reasons for that, as acousticians will be able to tell you. Truth to tell, for some pieces, especially the Poulenc Trio, I prefer the Wurlitzer to my beloved Yamaha. The history of Wurlitzer musical instruments is long and fairly checkered. In the early years the Wurlitzer family dealt in 'music boxes', such as coin operated instruments that were popular in various drinking establishments.
This trade lead to the importation of brass musical instruments. Then, old Rudolph Wurlitzer decided that it would be a bit more profitable to import the instrument makers. This worked well for him until the concept of 'stencils' became popular with many instrument makers. I know of at least one example of this.
My grandfather made a trade with old A.J.[Bill] Johnson, the owner of York Band Instrument Co. Crack Hay Day Android Free Download here. , a custom made hall table from Madigascar ebony for a hand built, [by old Bill himself], short cornet. This cornet is in my current posession and carries the bell logo,'Wurlitzer Improved Symphony, made by Rudolph Wurlitzer and Co. Cincinatti, O. And Chicago, Il. That bell logo is an outright deception.
Bill Johnson had just finished making a number of cornets in his Grand Rapids, Mi. Plant for Wurlitzer.
This was soon before Wurlitzer bought out the Martin brothers from their Chicago plant. I have had a Wurlitzer Melody long cornet and sold it cheaply, and for good reason. It was NOT in the same class as grandpa's cornet, which is a fantastic instrument.
>>Pan American Cornet model number list The Pan American Cornet Model List This is an attempt at a complete Pan American cornet model number list. I have included a column to indicate the year(s) when the instrument was (at least) in use. If both the 'Year Introduced' and 'Year Discontinued' column is filled in, the 'Years Used' column is left blank (no need stating the obvious). Italics indicates 'educated guess'. The following list is by no means complete or even correct. If you find an error, or have a cornet produced before roughly 1955 (see serial number index) with a model number that doesn't appear on this list or is produced outside the years indicated on this list, please let me know (see main page for e-mail). Pan American Cornets Model Number Model Name Year Introduced Years Used Year Discontinued 28A #?