Digital Terrain Model Software
Harris Geospatial is a leading provider for a wide range of DEMs that cover every extent of the globe. Both DSMs and DTMs are available at a variety of resolutions. A DSM includes features such as vegetation and man-made structures, while a DTM will have the surface features removed so it represents bare earth. For areas of the world with insufficient levels of detail, we have the capability and expertise to create custom elevation data. We are also partnered with public and private vendors who are creating new datasets worldwide. ELEVATION DATA PROVIDERS.
Intermap NEXTMap elevation data is available as a DTM or a DSM at 5 meter resolution. This data set also includes orthorectified radar imagery (ORI, which are grayscale images of the earth’s surface). While only available for the United States and parts of Europe, this is one of the highest-resolution elevation models commercially available. This is a great and affordable option for those needing high resolution data for watershed analysis, topographic mapping, location based services, and three-dimensional visualization.
The 'DTMVOL' command computes the volume of your terrain model using the. For professional digital terrain models use. CAD services Custom software development. Featured Digital Terrain Model free downloads and reviews. Download Game Insaniquarium Deluxe Full Version Free. Latest updates on Digital Terrain Model freeware, shareware, demos, betas and pre-releases. Digital Terrain Model software free downloads and reviews at WinSite. Free Digital Terrain Model Shareware and Freeware.
Intermap Technologies® NEXTMap World 30 Digital Surface Model (DSM) provides seamless, best available surface elevation data with a 30-meter ground sampling distance (GSD) so you can perform more efficient geospatial analyses. NEXTMap World 30 DSM data for the entire globe, covering all of the countries of the world, is available.
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Intermap’s world-class enterprise workflow allows them to integrate elevation datasets from around the world to provide best-of-breed elevation models with a range of accuracies starting at five vertical meters. NEXTMap World 30 DSM is a combination of 90-meter Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) v2.1 data, 30-meter ASTER Global DEM v2.0, and 1-kilometer GTOPO which has been ground controlled using LiDAR data from NASA’s Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) collections, resulting in a 25-centimeter root mean square error (RMSE) dataset for vertical control of the DSM. Dell Vostro 2520 Lan Drivers For Windows 7 here. The resulting product is a 30-meter GSD DSM that covers the entire land mass of the planet. Contour Creation Using stereo pair imagery and ground control survey points, we can create elevation models including DSMs, DTMs, and contours with up to 1 meter spacing. DSMs or first surface models can be created at a 1 meter post spacing elevation grid.