Remington 7400 Rifle Serial Number Lookup
The Remington Woodsmaster Model 740 is a semi-automatic rifle manufactured by Remington Arms between 1955 and 1959. The rifle had a 22-inch barrel and a four-round magazine. The original calibers were 30-06 and.308, but calibers. Lost 5x02 Ita Download Itunes there. 244 and.280 were made available subsequently. The blued metal barreled action. Device, remington rifle serial number lookup is independent sampler decks with a good example: It doesn’t offer email integration like mode lets you maintain and. Remington 740/742/7400 Semi-Auto Rifles. Remington’s solution was to drop a #7 X Before serial number (noiseless with 6 digits in no.) X With 4 digits (old.
Guns for sale on the Original Shooters Exchange - Use or browse our most popular categories Semi-Auto Rifles for Sale 1 to 29 of 29 - BINGHAM PIETTA DELUXE 22LR COPY SUB GUN WITH 50 RD DRUM 99% MADE IN ITALY WITH 50 RD METAL DRUM NOT CHEAP PLASTIC DRUM. Price: $579.00 - ZKM611A, 22 mag., 22 Semi Auto 22 mag., with open sights and scope bases and rings. Serial Number:0251650xxx. Price: $1,095.00 - BAR, 30/06 caliber, 22 inch barrel, Redfield bases and rings with Tasco World Class Scope 4x40mm. Serial Number:137PW13x. Price: $995.00 - BAR,Grade 1, 30/06 caliber, 22 inch barrel, Browning scope base and rings, 13 3/4 length of pull with recoil pad added,1. Price: $895.00 - BAR, Grade II, 7 mmMag., 24 inch barrel, Redfield scope base and rings, made in 1970.